I'm trying to rest my pin with master code and keeps giving me something went wrong error

I’m trying to rest my pin using my master code and it tells me something goes wrong every time

Wallet is unrecoverable

I am part of a project that is supposed to deposit tokens into my Venly wallet daily. The first day I signed in and confirmed that a deposit was made. I was not concerned, so I have not signed in again for about 2 weeks. When I looked, now it is not showing any more deposits, and on 03/26/24 it says "Wallet is unrecoverable".

Unable to create wallet and transfer

I have created user but not able to create wallet using 'MATIC' or "ETHEREUM' secret type.

Waller pin

Hi, the pin I have setup doesn’t work. And I don’t have emergency code… I cannot sen funds from my Venly wallet. Please help Thnx

Error al tranferir GMRX

cuando quiero tranferir GMRX de venly a Bybit me dice que no tengo saldo suficiente, pero si los tengo. alguien sabe como solucionarlo.(o alquien sabe como tranferir los tokens GMRX)?


I am having this error when try to connect into a site Connection declined Connection can be declined if a previous request is still active

How to create wallet

i have tried to create a wallet using <> every time it through a 401 error